The Associate Banks Officers’ Association (ABOA) was founded at a solemn function at the Head Office of the State Bank of Hyderabad on the 26th of November 1967. Registered as a Unitary Organisation though, ABOA, for all intents and purposes, is a Federation of the five units of the Associate Banks of the State Bank of India, each functioning almost independent of one another. The warm responsiveness to the national and social cause while working for the progressive improvement in service conditions and welfare of the members has been the hallmark of ABOA that represents over 20000 officers across the five Units. A non-political and independent Trade Union, ABOA is led by serving Bank officers only. It is one of the strongest constituents of the national apex organization, the All India Bank Officers’ Organisation (AIBOC), the largest bargaining body of the bank officers across the country at the industry level. It is also affiliated to the All India State Bank officers’ Federation (AISBOF).
协理银行职员协会(ABOA)成立于庄严的功能在海得拉巴国家银行的总行在1967年11月注册为一个单一组织虽然,ABOA 26日,对于所有意图和目的,是联盟印度国家银行的准银行五家单位,每个功能几乎是相互独立的。温暖的反应到国家和社会的原因,而工作在服务条件逐步改善及福利成员一直ABOA的代表在五个单位超过20000军官的标志。非政治性的独立工会,ABOA是只服军官银行为首。这是全国最高组织最强的成分之一,全印度银行军官组织(AIBOC),在行业层面在全国银行人员的最大讨价还价的身体。它也隶属于全印度国家银行职员联合会(AISBOF)。